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ά¸ì °ÕÌ£
A aft
AA always accessible
AA always afloat
AAAA always afloat always accessible
AAOSA always afloat or safe aground
AAR against all risk
AARA Always Accessible or Reachable on Arrival
AARA Amsterdam-Antwerp-Rotterdam area
AA RGE Amsterdam-Antwerp range
A/B able seaman
AB American Bureau of Shipping
ABT about
ABT SAME about same quantity as on delivery
A/C account
ACC account
ACDGLY accordingly
AC/EX accept but except
ACK acknowledge
ACPA Association of Canadian Port Authorities
ACTU Australian Council of Trade Unions
ACWRRE American Cargo War Risk Reinsurance Exchange
A/D/A all details about
ADCOM address commission
ADDL additional
ADE Adelaide
ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution
ADV advise¡¨ advice
ADVD advised
ADV. PMT advance payment
A/E accept (your proposal/terms) except¡Ý
AF advanced freight
AFCSPS arrival first compulsory sea pilot station
AFMT after fixing main terms
AFS International Anti-Fouling System Certificate
AFSPS arrival first sea pilot station
AGS annual general survey
AGST against
AGTS agents
AGW all going well
AGW WP all going well weather permitting
AH Antwerp-Hamburg Range
AHL Australian hold ladder
AHPS arrival harbor pilot station
AIR DFT air draft
AIS Automatic Identification System
AK Alaska
Ala Alabama
ALB (Republic of) Albania
ALEX Alexandria
ALG (1)Algeria (2)Algiers
ALRDY already
ALW always
AMM admiralty measured mile
AMSA Australian Maritime Safety Authority
AMS Automated Manifest System
AMT amount
AMVER Automated Mutual assistance Vessel Rescue System
AMWELSH americanised welsh coal charter party
AN arrival notice
ANCHORAGE a place where a ship may be anchored
ANG (Republic of) Angola
ANTHAM Antwerp-Hamburg Range
A/O account of
A/O and/or
AOB as on board
AOH after office hour
AP additional premium
AP all purposes
API the American Petroleum Institute
APPRO approval
APPROX approximate(ly)
APS arrival pilot station; (on) arriving at pilot station
APT after peak tank
AQIS Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service
A/R all risks, against all risks
ARA Antwerp-Rotterdam-Amsterdam
ARAG Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp-Gent Range
ARAGT Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Antwerp/Ghent/Terneuzen
ARAZ Antwerp-Rotterdam-Amsterdam-Zeebrugge
ARB arbitration
ARG Argentina; Argentine (Republic)
ARND around
ARVL arrival
ARZ Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Zeebrugge
A/S alongside
AS annual survey
ASA always safely afloat
ASAP as soon as possible
ASBA Association of Ship Brokers and Agents (USA), Inc.
ASF as follows
ASL above sea level
ASPW any safe port in the world
A.T Atlantic Time
ATA actual time of arrival
ATC actual time count
ATD actual time of departure
ATDNSHINC any time day and night Sunday and Holiday included
A.Time ALPHA Time. Greenwich Mean Time or Universal Time plus one hour.
ATL absolute total loss
ATL actual total loss
ATL Atlantic (Ocean)
ATL auto twist lock
ATRS American Tnaker Rate Schedule
ATS all time saved
ATSBE all time saved both ends
ATSDO all time saved discharging only
ATTN attention
ATUTC actual time used to count
AUS Austria; Austrian; Australia
AUSREP Australia Ship Reporting System
AUTH authorize; authority
AUX auxiliary
AVLBL available
AWB Air Way Bill
AWIWL always within IWL
AWRI additional war risk insurance
AWRP additional war risk preimum
AWT Applied Weather Technology,Inc
AWTG awaiting
AWTS all working time saved
AWTSBE all working time saved both ends
AWTSLO all working time saved loading only
ά¸ì °ÕÌ£
B be
B breath
BA/BB Buenos Aires/Bahia Blanca Range
BAH Bahamas
BAL balance
BAL ballast
BALE CAP. Bale capacity
BALTI Baltimore
BALTO Baltimore
BB ballast bonus
BB bareboat charter
BB below bridge
BB break bulk
BBB before breaking bulk
BIZ business
BBL barrel(s)
B/C bareboat charter
BC Blue Certificate
BC British Columbia
BC bulk carrier
BCC bulk cargo carrier
BCI baltic cape index
BCM bow to center manifold
BCNP British Columbia and North Pacific
BCV barge carrying vessel
BD Bending and Denting
BDI Baltic Dry Index
BDI both dates inclusive
BDU bone dry unit
BEG beginning (of)
BENDS both ends
BF beaufort scale
BFC Baltimore Form C berth grain C/P
BFI baltic freight index
BFT beaufort scale
BHD bulkhead
BHMI Baltic Handymax Index
BHP brake horse power
BI both inclusive
BIMCO The Baltic and International Maritime Council
B'Kge Breakage
B/L bill(s) of lading
BL bale (capacity)
BLK bulk
BLT built (in the year of)
B.M. Bermuda
BM beam
BMP Best Management Practice¡¡
BN been
BN booking note
BNKRG bunkering
BNKR bunkers
BOB bunker on board
BOD bunker(s) on delivery
BOD APP board of directors approval
BOFFER best offer
BOR bunker(s) on redelivery
BOT Board of Trades
BPI baltic panamax index
BP bunker price(s)
BRAZ (Federative Republic of) Brazil
BRIT British; Britain
Brkg brokerage
BRLY barley
BROB bunkers remaining on board
BS/L bills of lading
BSS basis (on the basis of)
BSS 1/1 Basis 1 Port to 1 Port
BST British Summer Time
BT ballast tank
BTM bottom
B to B both to blame collision clause
BTWN between
BV book value
BV Bureau Veritas
BW bilge well
BW brackish water
B&W Burmeister & Wain Ltd.
BWAD brackish water arrival draft
BWT bonded warehouse transaction
ά¸ì °ÕÌ£
C Celsius; Centigrade
C center
CAD cash against documents
CAF currency adjustment factor
CANCL cancelling
CANC cancel/cancellation
CAP Condition Assessment Program
CAPT captain
C/B charter base
CBF cubic feet
CBM cubic meter(s)
CBST clean ballast segregated tank
CBT clean ballast tank
CC Cargo Ship Safety Certificate
CCCP charterers' current contract price
CCR cargo control room
CCS China Classification Society
CD chart datum
CD cofferdam
CD customary despatch
CDG Carriage of Dangerous Goods
C/E chief engineer
CERT certificate
C/E/V communication/entertainment/victualling
CF. confer(Latin)
CFM confirm(ed)
CFMD confirm(ed)
CFR Code of Federal Regulation
CFR cost and freight
CFS container freight station
CFT cubic foot/cubic feet
CGA Cargo¡Çs proportion of General Average
CGO cargo
CH custom house
CHABE charterers agents both ends
CHOPT charterer's option(as opposed to owner's option)
CHTR charterer(s)
CHV change voy
CIF cost insurance (and) freight
CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to (named place of destination)
CIS charterer's inspecter's satisfaction
CKD completely knocked down
CL clause(s)
CLC Civil Liability Certificate
CLC International Covention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage
CLD cleared
CLN clean(ing)
CLP container load plan
CMC class maintenance certificate
CNCL cancel/cancellation
CNR charterer not reported
C/O care of
C/O certificate of origin
C/O chief officer
COA contract of affreightment
COACP Contract of Affreightment Charter Party
COB close of business
COB confirmation of balance
COBLDN closing of business London
COC carrier owned container
COC Contact with Other Cargo
COD cash on delivery
COD change of destination
COFDG Carriage of Dangerous Goods
C OF GH Cape of Good Hope
COFR Certificate of Financial Responsibility
COGSA Carriage of Goods by Sea Act
COL collation
COM commission
COND condensate
CONCS concentrates
CONS consumption
CONSEC consecutive voyages
CONSGT consignment
CONST constant
CONTI Continent of Europe
COOC Contact with Oil and Other Cargo
COP custom of (the) port
COREG Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972
COT cargo oil tank
COW crude oil washing
C/P charter party
CP capacity plan
CP contingency plan
CPA closest point of approach
CPD charters pay dues
CPP unleaded clean petroleum product
CPT carriage paid to (named place of destination)
CQD customary quick dispatch
CR crane(s)
CR credit
CR creditor
CR current rate
CRC cold rolled coils
C.RICA (Republic of) Costa Rica
CRN crane(s)
CRND craned (vessel)
CROB cargo remaining on board
CRS Croatian Register of Shipping
C/S cases
CSC Convention for Safe Containers
CSCC Cargo ship construction certificate
C/SNEE consignee
CSO Company Security Officer
CSR continuous service rating
CSR The Continuous Synopsis Record
CSSEC Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
CST centistokes (=cSt)
CTD combined transport document
CTLO constructive total loss only
CTO combined transport operator
CTR center
CTR counter
CUD could
CUFT cubic feet
CUM cubic meters
CUM GR. BL Grain/Bale capacity in cubic meters
C/V consecutive voyages
CVS consecutive voyage service
CWB Canadian Wheat Board
CWE cleared without exception
CWT cooling water tank
CY container yard
CYC container yard charges
CY/CY container yard/container yard
ά¸ì °ÕÌ£
DA Disbursement Account
DAA discharge always afloat
DAF deliver at frontier
DAP days all purposes (total days for loading & discharging)
DAP Delivered At Place
DAP diamonium phosphate
DAT Delivered At Terminal
DB double bottom
DBEATS Despatch payable both ends all time saved.
DBT double bottom tank
DBWTS Despatch payable both ends on working time saved.
DC direct continuation
DC direct current
DCPA distance of CPA (closest pointed approach)
D/D Decay and/or Deterioration
DD dated; delivered
DD dry dock(ing)
DDD deadline delivery date
DDO dispatch discharging only
DDP delivered duty paid
DDU delivered duty unpaid (named place of destination)
DECL declare; declarable; to be declared
DEF definitely
DEL deliver(y)
DEM demurrage
DEM/DES demurrage/dispatch (money)
DEPT department
DEQ delivered ex quay
DES delivered ex ship
DES despatch/dispatch
DESP despatch
DEST destination
DET detention
DETS details
DEV deviation
DF dead freight
DFD demurrage free despatch
DFDEDVAOCLONL dead freight deemed earned on departure, vessel and or cargo lost or not lost
DFL draft full load
DFRT deadfreight
DFT draft; draught
D/G diesel generator
DG dangerous goods
DG's dangerous goods
DH double hull
DHD Despatch money to be a half of demurrage.
DHDATSBE despatch half demurrage on all time saved both ends
DHDLTSBENDS despatch half demurrage on laytime saved both ends
DHDWTSBE despatch half demurrage on working time saved both ends
DHDWTSBENDS despatch half demurrage on working time saved both ends
DIFF different; differ; difference
DIM dimension(s)
DIS discharging
DISB disbursement(s)
DISBS disbursement(s)
DISCH discharge; discharging
DISCRE discretion
Displ. displacement
DISPORT discharge port
DIST. distance
DITTO ditto:(Italy) - the same
DIY Do it yourself.
DK deck
DK dock
DKK Dunkirk
DLL deep load line
DLOSP (on) dropping last outward sea pilot
DLRS dollars
DLY delivery
D/N debit note
D/N delivery note
DNRCAOSLONL Discountless and Non-Returnable Cargo and/or Ship Lost or Not Lost
DNV Det Norske Veritas
DO deck officer
D/O delivery order
DO diesel oil
DO ditto:(Italy) - the same
DOC daily operation cost
DOC Document of Compliance (for Safety Management System)
DOC document(s)
DOHP dropping outward harbor pilot
DOIL diesel oil
DOL dollar; $
DOLSP on dropping outward last sea pilot
DOP (on) dropping outward pilot
DOT department of transport
DOT diesel oil tank
DOZ dozen
DPP dirty petroleum product
DPR port dampier
DR debtor
DR derrick(s)
DRC daily running cost
DRI direct reduced iron
DRK derrick(s)
DROP dropping last outward pilot
DS double sides
DTD dated
DTLS details
DTY dirty
DUP duplicate
DW dead weight
DWAT dead weight all told
DWC dead weight capacity
DWC decline without counter
DWCC dead weight cargo capacity
DWT dead weight tonnage
DYD dockyard
DYS days
ά¸ì °ÕÌ£
EAR early
EAT earliest arrival time
E/B AFT engine and bridge aft
EC (Republic of) Ecuador
EC east coast
ECA East Coast Africa
ECA Emission Control Area
ECCA East Coast Central America
ECCB East Coast of Great Britain
ECDIS Electronic Chart Display and Information System
ECI East Coast of Ireland
ECNA East Coast of North America
ECO economical
ECO end of charter out
ECSA East Coast of South America
ECSI Export Cargo Shipping Instruction/Preadvice
ECUAS East Coast of the United States of America
ECUK East Coast the United Kingdom
EDD estimated delivery date
EDD expected date of delivery
EDI electronic data interchange
EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport
EDP early departure procedure
EDP electronic data processing
EDR equipment damage report
E.E. errors excepted or errors and omissions excepted
EET Eastern European Time
EFTA European Free Trade Association
EG Egypt; Egyptian
EGC Enhanced Group Calling
E.H.W.S Extreme High Water Level Spring Tides
EI East India
EIA Energy Information Administration
EIAPP Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
EIR Equipment Interchange Receip£ô
EIU even if used
ELEVEN electrical(electric) ventilation
ELR Export Licence Regulations
ELVENT electric ventilation
EMR Eastern Mediterranean Region
EN BLOC (French)
E&NC Eastern and Northern Canada
ENC Eastern and Northern Canada
ENE East North East
EN ROUTE on the way¡¡(French)
EOSP end of sea passage
EPIRB Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
E/Q Earthquake
EQUI equivalent
EQUIV equivalent
EST estimated
EST (Republic of) Estonia
EST Eastern Coast of USA
EST Eastern Standard Time
ETA estimated/expected time of arrival (referring to the time of arrival of a ship, train, aircraft, etc)
ETB estimated/expected time of berthing
ETC estimated/expected time of commencement
ETCD estimated time of completion (of loading or discharging) and departure
ETD estimated/expected time of departure
ETL estimated/expected time of loading
ETR estimated time of readiness
ETS estimated/expected time of sailing
ETU Electrical Trades Union
EUNAVFOR European Union Naval Force¡¡
EURASC European Association of Classification Societies
EV elevator
EW electric welding
EX example
EX exclude(d); except for
EX exit
EX extension
Ex1%-w Excess 1% on the whole
EXC except
EXCL excluding; excluded
EXW Ex Works (...named place)
EZ economic zone
EZC European zone charge
ά¸ì °ÕÌ£
F fahrenheit
F Fore
F the fresh water load line
F&A fore and aft
FA Food Agency
FAC fast as can
FAF fuel adjustment factor
FAK freight all kinds
FAL Facilitation Committee of the IMO
FAP for all purpose
FAS Free Alongside Ship
F/C full cargo
FCA free carrier
FCC first class charterer(s)
FCC fully cellular containership
FCJC first class Japanese charterers
FCL full container load
FCR Forwarder's Certificate of Receipt
F/D/D freight, deadfreight and demurrage
FD free despatch
FD free discharge
FDESP free despatch
FE far east
FES fairy evenly spread
FES frequency equally spread
FEU forty feet equivalent unit
FWE finish with engine
FFA forward freight agreement
FHEX Friday(s) and Holiday(s) excepted(excluded)
FHINC Friday(s) and Holiday(s) included
FI free in
FIFO first in first out
FILD free in liner terms discharge
FILO free in liner out
FIO free in and out
FIOS free in and out stowed
FIOSLSD free in & out stowed lashed secured & dunnaged
FIOSPT free in and out spout trimmed
FIOST free in and out stowed and trimmed
FIOT free in and out trimmed
FIT free in trimmed
F/L freight list
FLD failed
FLG flag
FLT full liner terms
FLWG following
FLW follows
FM from
FMC Federal Maritime Commission
FME force majeure excepted
F'MORE furthermore
FMS fathoms
F/N fixture note
FO for orders
FO free out
FO fuel oil
FOB free on board
FOC flag of convenience
FO¡ÇC¡ÇS¡ÇLE forecastle
FOFFER firm offer
FOG for our guidance
FONASBA The Federation of National Associations of Shipbrokers and Agents
FOT fuel oil tank
FOW first open water
FP free (of) pratique
FPSO Floating Production, Storage and Offloading system
FPT fore peak tank
FR first refusal
FR France(= French Republic)
FREE EXINS free of any extra insurance
FRT freight
FSO Floating Storage and Offloading system
FSRU Floating Storage and Regasification Unit
FT feet; foot
FTL full truck load
FTZ free trade zone
FUG for your guidance
FW fresh water
FWA fresh water allowance
FWAD fresh water arrival draft
FWD forward
FWDD fresh water departure draft
FWSD fresh water sailing draft
FWT fresh water tank
FXD fixed
FXG fixing
FXTR fixture
FYG for your guidance
FYG&I for your guidance and information
FYI for your information
FYPG for your private guidance
FYVPG for your very private guidance
ά¸ì °ÕÌ£
GA general arrangement (of the vessel)
GA general average
GA/ARB general average/arbitration
GAB Gabon(= Gabonese Republic)
GAL gallon
GA PLAN general arrangement plan
GB Great Britain
GC general cargo
GCR General Cargo Rate
GCR General Commodity Rate
GCT Greenwich Civil Time
GEOG ROT geographical rotation
GER German; (the Federal Republic of) Germany
GIB Gibraltar
GL gearless
GL Germanischer Lloyd
GLP great lakes ports
GM gravity metacenter
GMDSS Global Maritime Distress and Safety System
GMT Greenwich Mean/Meridian Time
GN grain
GNCN Gencon (General Conditions)
GO gas oil
GP Grain Capacity
GPS General Purpose Ship
GPS Global Positioning System
GR gear
GR Geographical Rotation. Ports in order of calling.
GR grain (capacity)
GR Greece
GRD geared (vessel)
GRS gross
GRT gross registered ton(nage)
GSB good, safe berth
GSP good, safe port
GT gross ton(nage)
GTD guaranteed
GTEE guarantee
GUAT (Republic of) Guatemala
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HA (Republic of) Haiti
HA hatch
HAT highest astronomic tide
H/B hire base
HBF harmless bulk fertilizer
HBI hot briquetted iron
H/C high cube
H/C hold cleaning
HF high frequency
HFO heavy fuel oil
HHDWS heavy handy deadweight scrap
HK Hong Kong
H&M hull and machinery
HMS heavy metal scraps
HMTA Hazardous Materials Transportation Act
HO hold(s)
HOG hogging
HO/HA (number of) holds/hatches
HOL Holland
HON (Republic of) Honduras
HP horse power
HRC hot rolled coils
HRDS Hampton Roads
HRE here
HRE hire
HR(S) hour(s)
HS Harmonised System
HSC Heating and Spontaneous Combustion
HSCode Harmonized code/Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System
HSD high speed diesel oil
HSFO high sulphur fuel oil
HSS heavy grains(=wheat, maize/corn, rye,etc) and/or sorghum(s) and/or soyas(soybeans)
HTUTC half time used to count
Hun. Hungarian; (Republic of) Hungary
H/V Hague Visby Rules
HV have
HW high water
HWOST high water on ordinary spring tides
ά¸ì °ÕÌ£
IACS International Association of Classification Societies
IAPP International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate
ICC Institute Cargo Clauses
ICD inland clearance depot
ICHCA International Cargo Handling Coordinating Association
ICJ International Court of Justice
ICS International Chamber of Shipping
ICW Intercoastal Waterway
IFO intermediate fuel oil
IFSMA International Federation of Ship Masters¡Ç Associations
IGS inert gas system
IHP indicated horse power
ILLC International Load Line Certificate
ILO International Labor Organization
ILOHC in lieu of hold cleaning
ILOW in lieu of weighing
IMCO Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organisation
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods (Code)
IMGS International Medical Guide for Ships
IMMY immediately
IMO International Maritime Organization
IN AND/OR OUT Goods that are carried below or on deck of a cargo ship.
IN AND/OR OVER Goods that are carried below or on deck of a cargo ship.
INCL include; including
INCLOT including over time
INCOTERMS International Commercial Terms
IND indication
INFO inform; information
INMARSAT International Maritime Satellite Organization
INS insurance
INST instruction
INSTRCTN instruction
INT Intended
INT interest; intention
INTASCALE International Tanker Nominal Freight Scale Association Ltd (1962).
INTERCARGO International Association of Dry Cargo Shipowners
INTIS International Transport and Information System
I/O instead of
IOFF Independent Ocean Freight Forwarders
IOPCF International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund
IOPP International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
IR Ireland; (the Republic of) Ireland
IRS Indian Register of Shipping
ISGOTT International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals
ISL island
ISMA International Ship Managers' Association
ISM (code) International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (International Safety Management (CODE))
ISPP International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate
ISPS (code) International Ship and Port Facility Security code
ISSC International Ship Security Certificate
ITC Institute Time Clauses
ITF International Transport Workers' Federation
ITIN itinerary
ITMC International of Ships Tonnage Measurement on Convention
ITOA International Tanker Owner¡Çs Association
IU if used
IUHTAUTC if used, half time actually to count
IWL institute warranties limits
ά¸ì °ÕÌ£
J/A joint account
JAM Jamaica
Japan P&I The Japan Ship Owners¡Ç Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association
JASREP Japan Ship Reporting System
JG Japanese Government
JIT just in time
JOOD Junior Officer Of the Deck
JOOW Junior Officer Of the Watch
J.P jet propelled
JPN Japan
JST Japan Standard Time
JSU All Japan Seamen¡Çs Union
JWOB Jettision and/or Washing Over Board
JY Japanese Yen
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K kiro
KD knocked down
K/L kilo liter
kN kilo newton
KN knot(s)
KOR Korea
KR Korean Register of Shipping
KST Korea Standard Time
KT kilo ton
KTM keel to top of mast
KTS knots
KUW (State of) Kuwait
ά¸ì °ÕÌ£
LA Los Angeles
LASH lighter aboard ship
LAT. latitude
LAT lowest astronomic tide
LAT/DEF latent defect
LAY/CAN laydays/cancelling (dates)
LB Long Beach
LB puunds
LBP length between perpendiculars
LBs puunds
L3C last 3 cargoes
L/C LAY/CAN, laydays/cancelling
L/C letter of credit
LCL less than container load
LCR lowest current rate
LDD loaded
LDG loading
LDN laden
LDN London, UK
LDT light displacement ton
Leb (Republc of) Lebanon
LF load factor
LF the fresh water timber load line
LFO light fuel oil
L/G letter of guarantee
L/I letter of indemnity
LIB Liberia
LIBOR London Inter Bank Offered Rate
LIFO last in first out
LIFO liner in free out
LIIBA London & International Insurance Brokers¡Ç Association
Lith (Republic of) Lithuania
LLC International Convention on Load Lines, 1966
LL International Load Line Certificate
L/M/E Large Modern Eco
LMMA London Maritime Arbitrators Association
LMT local mean time
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LNGC Liquefied Natural Gas Carrier
LO lubricating oil
LOA length overall (of the vessel)
LOC letter of compliance
LOF Lloyds Open Form
LOFI liner out/free in
LOG letter of guarantee
LOI letter of indemnity
LOI letter of intent
LOLO lift on/lift off (vessel)
LONG. longitude
LOT lubricating oil tank
LOW last open water
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LPGC Liquefied Petroleum Gas Carrier
LPORT loading port
LR Large Range
LR­µ Large Range One
LR­¶ Large Range Two
LR Lloyd's Register of shipping
L/R Loss Ratio
LRIT Long-Range Identification and Tracking System
L/S laytime statement
L/S lumpsum (freight)
LS the summer timber load line
LSA life saving appliances
LSD lashed secured dunnaged
LSFO low sulphur fuel oil
LST local standard time
LSWR low sulphur waxy residue
LT liner terms
LT local time
LT long ton
LT the tropical timber load line
LT BENDS liner terms both ends
LTF the tropical fresh water timber load line
Ltg. lighterage
LTHH liner terms Hook/Hook
LUMPS lumpsum (freight)
Lux Luxembourg
LW light weight
LW Low Water
LW the winter timber line
LWL length of water line
LWNA the winter north atlantic timber load line
LWOST low water on ordinary spring tides
LWT light weight
LYCN laycan (layday cancelling date)
ά¸ì °ÕÌ£
Mal. Malaysia
MARPOL The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships
MAX maximum
MB merchant broker
Mba. Mombasa
Mco (Kingdom of) Morocco
MCO maximum continuous output rating
MCO miscellaneous charge order
MCR maximum continuous output rating
M¡Çdise merchandise
MDK main deck
MDO marine diesel oil
M/E main engine
MED Mediterranean
Medit Mediterranean
MEPC Maritime Environmental Protection Committee
MESSRS messieurs
Mex Mexico(=The United Mexican States)
MF manifest
MF middle frequency
MFAG Medical First Aid Guide
MFSA Maritime Fire & Safety Association
MFST manifest
MGO marine gas oil
MH main hatch
MHF middle high frequency
MHWN mean high water neaps
MHWS mean high water spring
MIA Marine Insurance Act
MIC man in charge
MID middle (of)
M.I.L. Member of the Institute of London Underwriters
MILL million
MIN minimum
Min/Max minimum/maximum
MIP Marine Insurance Policy
MLD moulded
MLO main line operator
MLWN mean low water neaps
MLWNT mean low water neap tide
MLWS mean low water spring
M/M minimum/maximum
MNS Machinery NIPPON Standard
MNS minutes
MNT mean neap tide
MNTIME meantime
MO month(s)
MOA Memorandum of Agreement
MOGAS motor gasoline
MOL more or less
MOLCHOP more or less (in/at) charterer's option
MOLCHOPT more or less (in/at) charterer's option
MOLCO more or less (in/at) charterer's option
MOP muriate of potash
MOR maximum (continuous) output rating
MORN morning
MO(S) month(s)
MOU Memorandum of Understanding An official statement made out by the competent authorities in respect of actions to be fulfilled in due course.
Moz (Republic of) Mozambique
MPC multi purpose carrier
MPH miles per hour
MPP multi purpose vessel(cargo carrier)
MPS master production schedule
M/R mate(')s receipt
MR medium range
MRO Maintenance, Repair, and Operating equipment
MS midship section
MS motor ship
MSA Maritime Safety Agency
M/S motor ship
MSCHOA The Maritime Security Centre - Horn of Africa
MSD medium speed diesel (engine)
MSFO mid sulphur fue oil
MSG message
MST mean spring tide
MT main term
MT measure(ment) ton(s)
MT metric ton(s)
MT motor tanker
MTDAT metric tons deadweight all told
MTH month(s)
MTIME meantime
MTO/CARRIER Multimodal Transport Operator/Carrier
MV merchant vessel
MV motor vessel
M-WAY motorway
MX maximum
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N and
NA no account
NA not applicable
NA not available
NAA not always afloat
NAABSA not always afloat but safe(ly) aground
N.AFR North Africa
NAP naphtha
NAUT nautical
Nav. navigating; navigation; navigational
NAVTEX navigation telex
NAWSZ North Atlantic Winter Seasonal Zones
NB new building
N.B. Nota Bene (italian) - note well
N.B.E. north by east
N.BY.E. north by east
NC Newcastle
NCB National Cargo Bureau
NCR Normal Continuous Rating
N.D. non- delivery
NDFCAPMQS no deadfreight to be for charterers' account, provided minimum quanity supplied
NDFPMQS no deadfreight provided minimum quantity supplied
N.E. north east
N.E by E. north east by east
N.E by W. north east by west
NEC necessary
NEGOS negotiations
NEOBI not east of but including
N.E.OF north east of
Neth (Kingdom of) Netherlands
NEWF Newfoundland
NEW M. New Mexico
N/F no funds
n.f.a. no further action
NFK Norfolk
NFPA National Fire Protection Association USA
Nicar (Republic of) Nicaragua
Nig (Federal Republic of) Nigeria; Nigerian
NIHIL nothing(Latin)
NIOC National Iranian Oil Company
NIS Norwegian International Ship Registry(Register)
NK3 Nippon Kaiji Kentei Kyokai
NK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
NKK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
NKKK Nippon Kaiji Kentei Kyokai
NM nautical mile
NMBP nearest main bunkering port
NMS National Maritime Safety
NNE north north east
NNES Newport News
NNOBI not north of but including
NNW north north west
NO New Orleans
NO normal output rating
NOLA New Orleans, Louisiana
NOM nomination; nominee(s)
NON REV non reversible laytime
NOPAC North Pacific; North of Pacific Ocean
NOR normal output rating
NOR notice of readiness
Norw Norway; Norwegian .
NOS not otherwise specified
NO(S) nunber(s)
NP notary public
NPA National Petroleum Association
NR notice of readiness
NR nunber(s)
NRS nunber(s)
NRT net registered ton(nage)
NS NIPPON Standard
NSEZ North Sea Economic Zone
NSOBI not south of but including
NSW New South Wales
NT net ton(nage)
NTD noted
NV Norske Veritas (Det Norske Veritas)
NVOCC Non-Vessel Operating Common Carrier
NWA North West Africa
N.W. by N. north west by north
N.W. by W. north west by west
NWOBI not west of but including
N.W.OF north west of
N.W. of north west of
N.Y. New Year
N.Y. New York
N.Y.DOT New York City Department of Transportation
NYPE New York Produce Exchange (Charter Party)
NYSA New York Shipping Association
NYT New York Standard Time
NZ New Zealand
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OA open account
OA overage(d)
O/B on board
OBM on board maintenance
OBO ore bulk oil carrier(vessel); oil bulk ore carrier(vessel)
Oc. B/L ocean bill of lading
OCIMF The Oil Companies International Marine Forum
OD owners¡Ç disbursement
OGA outline general arrangement
O/H off hire
O/O ore oil carrier
O/O owners(') option
O/P Open Policy
OP option
OPA90 Oil Pollution Act, 1990
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPP Oil Pollution Prevention
OPS operation
ORD owner¡Çs risk of damage
ORLOP the lowest deck of a ship
OS ordinary seaman
OSH open shelter deck
OSRO oil spill removal organization
O/T overtime (of the crew)
OTLX our telex
O/V on voyage
OWISE otherwise
OWNS owners
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P portside
PA particular average
PA per annum (Latin) - per year
PAC Pacific (Ocean)
Pac.Is Pacific Island
PAD payment against documents
Pak Pakistan; Pakistani
PAN Panama
PAN CAN Panama Canal
PANDI Protection and Indemnity Insurance
PARA paragraph
Pata Patagonia
PBL parallel body length
PC part cargo
PC period of charter
PC port charge(s)
PC port consumption
P&C private and confidential
PCC Panama Canal Company
PCC pure car carrier
Pcl parcel
PCNT Panama Canal net tons
PCT percent
PCTC Panama Canal Tonnage Certificate
PCTC pure car and truck carrier
PD per day
PDM Ponta da Madeira
PDPR per day (or) pro rate
P/E port of embarkation
P.E.I. Prince Edward island
PERP perpendicular
PF pro forma(Latin)
PG (the) Persian Gulf
PHD per hatch day
Phil (the Republic of the) Philippines
PHIL.I. (the) Philippine Islands
PHPD per hatch per day
PI Philippines/PHIL.I.
PIC person in charge
PICO port in charterer's option
PKD partially knocked down
P/L Pipe Line Risk
P/L profit or loss
PLC Public Limited Company
PLI Periodical Loading Inspection
PLS please
PLS plus
PLT per long ton
PM post meridium:
PMO passing Muscat outward(outbound)
PMT per metric ton
Pna Panama
PNMX panamax
PNW Pacific Northwest (Coast)
POA Power of Attorney
POB pilot on board
POC port of call
POPS purchase options
POSI position
POSS possibility; possible
P/P Parcel Post
PP posted price
PPB parts per billion
PPD prepaid
PPM parts per million
PPM Planned Prevention Maintenance Program
PPOSE propose
PPT prompt
PR pro rata
PR Puerto Rico
PRC People's Repubric of China
PREF prefer
PROBO product /ore/bulk/oil carrier
prop propeller
PROS prospect
PRS Polish Register of Shipping
PS pferde starke
PSC port state control
PSCO port state control officer
PSG passing
PSI pounds per square inch
PSI preshipment inspection
P/side port side
PST Pacific Standard Time
PST per short ton
PSTN position
PSW Pacific Southwest (Coast)
PT part
PT Point/point
PT port(s)
PTI pre-trip inspection
PTLD Portland
PUS passed to us
PUS plus us
PWH per workable hatch
PWHD per workable hatch day
PWWD per weather working day
PX passenger
PX SHIP passenger ship
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Q88 Questionnaire 88
Q&A Question & Answer
Q.C.Isl. (the) Queen Charlotte Islands
QFLAG Quarantine Flag
QLD Queensland, Australia
QMS Quality Management System
QTE quote
QTY quantity
QWD quay weight and tannage dues
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R received
RAOB remaining as on board
RBANK Roberts Bank
RBAY Richards Bay
RBC Ready Berth Clause
R.Bn. radio beacon
RCC&S Riots Civil Commotions and Strikes
Rcd received
Rct receipt
RCVR receiver
R&D research and development
RD round
RD running days
R.D.C. Running Down Clause
RECAP recapitulation
REDEL re-deliver
REDLY re-delivery
REF refer(ence); referring
Ref.Cl. Refrigerated Cargo Clause
REFO reformate; reformated gasoline
REP representative
RETRO retroactive
REV reversible
RFP request for proposals
RFQ request for quotation
RFWD Rain&/or Fresh Water Damage
RGDS regards
RGE range
RINA Registro Italiano Navale
RL registered length
RNR rate not reported
ROB remain(ing) on board
ROK Republic of Korea
RORO roll on (/) roll off
ROTT Rotterdam
RPH revolutions per hour
RPM radio pratique message
RPM revolution(s) per minimute
RPT repeat
RQST request
RS Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
RT revenue tonne
RU Rumania; Rumanian
RUS Russia(=Russian Federation); Russian
RVT(G) revert(ing)
R/V round voyage
RYT refer to your telex
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S starboard
S summer load line
S/A Salvage Association
SAD single administrative document
SAG sagging
S.Am South America; South American
SART Radar search and rescue transponders
SA(S) safe anchorage(s)
SASHEX Saturday(s) afternoon, Sunday(s), Holiday(s) excepted(excluded)
SATCOM satellite communications
SATPM Saturday pm
SATPMSHEX Saturday pm, Sunday(s) and Holiday(s) excepted(excluded)
SATSHEX Saturday(s), Sunday(s) and Holiday(s) excepted(excluded)
SBM single buoy mooring
SB(S) safe berth(s)
SBT segregated ballast tank
SBT side ballast tank
SC Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
SC Scandinavia; Scandinavian
S&C shipper and carrier
SCAC standard carrier alpha code
SCALE scale load
SCANCON The Baltic and International Maritime Council Scandinavian Voyage charter
SCM stern to center manifold
SCNRT Suez Canal net registered ton
Scot Scotland
SCO start of charter out
SCR specific commodity rate
SD14 A standard design general cargo ship of about 14,000 tons d.w.
SD single deck(er)
SDBC single deck bulk carrier
Sdg sounding
SDR Special Drawing Right(s)
SDSTB single deck self trimming bulker
SE Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate
SEC second
SECA Sulphur Emission Control Area
SECT section
SED shipper¡Çs export declaration
SELFD self discharging
SEP Sepetiba
SEVIS Seven Islands
Sext sextant
S/F statement of facts
SF stowage factor
S/G shaft generator
SG specific gravity
SH Sweat and Heating
SHEX Sunday(s) and Holiday(s) excepted(excluded):
SHINC Sunday(s) and Holiday(s) included
Short shortage
SHP shaft horse power
SHUD should
SI superintendent
SIC Standard Industrial Classification
Sing (Republic of) Singapore
SIRE ship inspection report exchange
SITC Standard International Trade Classification
SITPRO National organization for the Simplification of International Trade PROcedures in the United Kingdom
S.JPN South Japan
SK South Korea
SKD semi-knocked down
SKO superior kerosene oil
SKU stock keeping unit
SLD sailed
SLG sailing
SLI shipper¡Çs letter of instruction
SM sea margin
S. Marino (Republic of) San Marino
SMC Safety Management Certificate
SMM Safety Management Manual
SMS Safety Management System
SN satellite navigation
SOB shipped on board
SOC shipper owned container
SOF statement of facts
SOLAS safety of life at sea (convention)
SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
S&P sale and purchase
SP safe port(s)
SPC specification
SPC strictly private and confidential
SP/CON speed and consumption
SPIA Shipowners¡Ç Protection and Indemnity Association
SPLASH sinking platform lighter aboard ship
SPM single point mooring
SPS special periodical survey
SQM square meter
SRBL singing and releasing bills of lading
SRCC Strikes Riots and Civil Commotions Risks
SS stainless steel
SS steam ship
SS summer salt (water draft)
SSAS Ship Security Alert System
SSBC sinking, stranding, burning, collision
SSE south-south-east
SSHEX Saturday(s), Sunday(s) and Holiday(s) excepted(excluded)
SSHINC Saturday(s), Sunday(s), Holiday(s) Included
SSINC Saturday(s) and Sunday(s) included
SSO Ship Security Officer
SSP Ship Security Plan
SSW south-south-west
SSW summer salt water
ST self-trimming
ST short ton
STBD starboard (side)
STC said to contain
STCW Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Sea
STEM subject to enough marchandise (availability or cargo)
STG. sterling
S'tge Shortage
STLMNT settlement
STP stop
str strait
STS ship to ship (transfer)
STSDBC self-trimming single deck bulk carrier
SUA Seamen's Union of Australia
SUB subject (to)
SUBS subjects
SUBS substitute
SUS 316
SUS 316L
SV steam vessel
SVP single voyage permission
SW salt water
SWA South West Africa
SWAD salt water arrival draft
SWBW south west by west
SWDD salt water departure draft
Switz Switzerland(=the Swiss Confederation)
SWL safe working load
SWSD salt water sailing draft
SYD Sydney
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T tropical load line
Tai Taiwan(=Republic of China)
Tand/or CTL Total and/or Constructive Total Loss
Tanz (United Republic of) Tanzania
T.A. ROUND transatlantic round voyage
TAR/V Trans - Atlantic Round Voyage
Tas Tasmania
TBA to be advised
TBA to be agreed
TBC to be confirmed
T.B/l through bill of lading
TBN to be named
TBN to be narrowed
TBN to be nominated (later)
TBRN to be re-named
T/C time charter
TCH time charter hire
TCT time charter trip
T.DKS tween decks
TELECON telephone conversation
TEMP temperature
TEU twenty foot equivalent unit-container
TF tropical fresh water load line (marking)
TFW tropical fresh water
T/G turbo generator
TGE tonnage
THRU through
TIP taking inward pilot
TIP taking inward trip
TKS thanks
TL truckload
TLO Total Loss Only
TLX telex
TML transportable moisture limits
TMV tank motor vessel
Turk (Republic of) Turkey; Turkish
TOFC trailer on flat car
TOHC top of hatch coaming(s)
TOL Total Loss Only
TOLLS Dock and canal charges which are borne by shippers and not by the carriers.
TOMAC Tokyo Maritime Arbitration Commission
TOMO tomorrow
TPC ton(nes) per centimeter (immersion)
TPCFW ton per centimeter immersion in freshwater
TPI tons per inch (immersion)
TPND Theft,Pilferage and Non-Delivery
T(S) ton(s)
T.S. topsides
TSG Tanker Safety Guide prepared by the International Chamber of Shipping
TSP triple superphosphate
TSR the Trans Siberian Railway
TT tank top
TT telegraphic transfer
TT turn time
TTB telegraphic transfer buying rate
TTBE turn time both ends
TTL total
TTM telegraphic transfer middle rate
TTS telegraphic transfer selling rate
TUB Tubarao
Tun Tunis; (Republic of) Tunisia
TVEL Tanker Vessel Examination Letter
TW tween decker
TWEEN between
TWIMC To whom it may concern.
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UCAE unforesean circumstances always excepted
UCP uniform customs and practice for documentary credits
U.DK. upperdeck
UN/ECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
UHF ultra high frequency
UIC Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer
UKC under keel clearance
UKC United Kingdom and/or Continent
UK/CBH United Kingdom and/or Continent, Bordeaux/Hamburg Range
UKCMED United Kingdam, Continent and Mediterranean
UKMTO The UK Maritime Trade Operations
ULCC ultra large crude (oil) carrier
ULD unit load device
ULM unleaded motor gasoline
UNCITRAL United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNDG United Nations Dangerous Goods Number
UNFAO United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization: Commonly Known as FAO.
UNIDO United Nations Industrial Development Organization
UNL unleaded
UNQTE unquote
UR your
URG(LY) urgent(ly)
Urug (Oriental Republic of) Uruguay
USAC United States Atlantic Coast
USCG United States Coast Guard
USC unless sooner commenced
USD United States Dollars
USDA United States Department of Agriculture
USEC United States East Coast
USENET user network
USG United States Gulf (of Mexico)
USGP United States Gulf Ports
USNH United States North (of Cape) Hatteras
USNS United States Navy Ships
USPCP United States Pacific Coast Ports
USSH United States South (of Cape) Hatteras
USTV ulrta shallow draft(draught) vessel
USWC United States West Coast
U/T unit
UTC universal time co-ordinated (same as GMT); coordinated universal time
UU unless used
UUATUTC unless used which case actual time used to count
UUIWCTAUTC unless used in which case time actually used to count
UW underwriter
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VANC Vancouver
VAT value added tax
VC voyage charter
VCG vertical centre of gravity
Venez Venezuela
VHLV Very Heavy Lift Vessel with jumbo derricks or cranes
VLBC very large bulk carrier
VLCC very large crude carrier
VLGC very large gas carrier
VLPC very large product carrier
VOL volume
VOST Vostchny
VOY voyage
VPD vessel pays dues
VRP Vessel Spill Response Plan
VSL vessel
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W winter load line
WA West Africa
W.A.CLAUSES Institute Cargo Clauses With Average
War & SRCC War and Strikes Riots and Civil commotions Clause
W.AUS Western Australia
WB water ballast
WB/EI West Britain/East Ireland, ports of call range in a charterparty
WBT water ballast tank
W.byN. west by north
WC West Coast
WCA West Coast of Africa
WCA Workman Compensation Acts
WCCON whether customs cleared or not
WCE West Coast of England
WCNA West coast of North Amercia
WCP West Canadian Ports
WCSA West Coast South Amercia
WCUK West Coast United Kingdom
WCUSA West Coast of the United States of Amercia
WCYO what can you offer?
WCYP what can you propose?
WD working day
WECCON Whether Entered Customs Clearance Or Not.
Wf wharf
WHO World Health Organization
WHT wheat
WI within
WIBON whether in berth or not
WICON whether in custom clearance or not
WIFPON whether in free pratique or not
WIPON whether in port or not
WK week
WK work
WKG working
WKS weeks
WL water line
WLTOHC water line-to-hatch coaming
W/M weight or measure
WNA winter north atlantic load line
WNW west north west
WO without
WOG without guarantee
WOUT without
WP weather permitting (days)
WRIC wire rod in coils
WS world scale
WSHTC world scale hours, terms and conditions
WSNP weather (and) safe navigation permitting
WSPI Wages, Stores, Provisions and Insurance
WSW west south west
WT weight
W.T.D. watertight door(s)
W/TS wing tanks
WTS working time saved
WUD would
WVNS within vessel(')s natural segregation(s)
WW weather working
WW world-wide Ex: WW TRDG = world-wide trading
WWD weather working day(s)
WWDFHEX weather working day Friday(s) Holiday(s) excepted(excluded)
WWDSASHEX weather working day Saturday(s) afternoon Sunday(s) Holiday(s) excepted(excluded)
WWDSHEX weather working day Sunday(s) Holiday(s) excepted(excluded)
WWDSHINC weather working day Sunday(s) Holiday(s) included
WWF Waterside Workers Federation
WWPC Worldwide Project Consortium
WWR when (and) where ready
WYCP What You Can Propose (?)
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X excluding; excluded
XMAS Christmas
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Y/A York Antwerp Rules (of General Average)
YD Yard
YDAY yesterday
YORKS Yorkshire
YR(S) year(s)
YR(S) your(s)
YTLX your telex
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Zag Zagreb
Zam (Republic of) Zambia
ZC Register of shipping of the people¡Çs Republic of China
Z.T. zone time
Zur Zurich